We will be in Philadelphia, preparing for our second annual Diversity Forum, two weeks from tomorrow. This is a particularly special event for us, partially due to its unique structure, and partially because the content of the event truly resonates with us. When we visit 300+ schools each fall, we hear a number of trends, which can vary by region, school size, school type, etc. But a trend that has been consistent across state lines, endowment sizes, and school histories has been schools’ desire and willingness to create and support a faculty that reflects the diversity of their student bodies. Schools actively want to add a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds, to their faculty mix. The Diversity Forum is one small step toward achieving that end.
As a candidate, how can you best navigate the event? How can you maximize your interviewing opportunities while also taking advantage of the excellent professional development sessions offered?
First and foremost, log into our Conference Module early and often once you receive access to it. Through the conference module, you will be able to view your full schedule for the event. Interviews run in 30-minute slots from 10am until 5pm, after an opening program featuring two keynote addresses by Reveta Bowers, Head of the Center for Early Education, and Temba Maqubela, Head of the Groton School.
Be sure to mark off your availability accurately within the conference module. Review the Professional Development Symposium agenda for the event and highlight any “can’t-miss” workshops for you. If you decide you must attend the “Journey to Headship” panel from 10-11:30am, for example, make sure you mark yourself “unavailable” on your schedule during those times. That way, schools won’t miss any opportunities to interview with you.
Before the event, you can review a list of registered schools within the module. Reach out to any schools of interest–regardless of whether they have an open position in your subject area–through the conference module message center to indicate your interest in meeting them at the forum. Schools will schedule interviews directly with candidates of interest (and may not always respond to your messages), so make sure you’re double- and triple-checking your interview schedule. Some schools will schedule interviews in advance, while some might wait until the evening before or even the day of the conference to finalize their schedules. For that reason, have a smartphone, tablet, or laptop easily accessible during the event, so you can easily check for any updates or new interviewing opportunities that might arise.
Whether you’re engaged in a 30-minute interview with a school, networking during our Coffee House, getting inspired by our keynote speakers, taking notes in a professional development panel, or sharing your own story in our town hall discussion, you will benefit from this special event. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Placement Associate. You can also ask any questions during our Diversity Forum Twitter Chat next Tuesday, on January 26th at 4pm EST. Tweet any questions to @CarneySandoe using the hashtag #CSAForum2016.